Grades and Assessment DATs

This section includes DATs used to return grading and assessment information.

Stored Grades

Stored grades data is extracted from the [StoredGrades] table using the DAT with the course name, store code and field name, or with the DAT, using the expression, store code and field name. The allows users to return data for multiple courses using one DAT.

Format: ^(;coursenumber;storecode;field) – Based on course name.
Example: ^(;ENG2100;S1;grade)

Format: ^(;coursenumber,coursenumber;storecode;field) – Multiple courses in one DAT.
Example: ^(;ENG2100,FRL3200,HIS3199;S1;grade)

Format: ^(;expression;storecode;field) – Based on expression.
Example: ^(;1(A) 2-3(C) 4(4);S1;grade)

^(;course number;store code;grade)

Grade for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;earnedcrhrs)

Earned credit for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;potentialcrhrs)

Potential credit for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;credit_type)

Credit type for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;behavior)

Behavior/Citizenship for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;comment)

Teacher comments for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;absences)

Absences for the course/term.

^(;course number;store code;tardies)

Tardies for the course/term.

Standards and Standard Grades Section

The standard (std) DAT extracts standard data from the Standard table, and standard grade data from the StandardGradeSection and StandardGradeRollup tables (and their companion tables StandardCourseAssociation, StandardGradeSectionComment, and StandardGradeRollupComment).

When retrieving standard definition information, the DAT returns data from the Standard record.

When retrieving standard grade information, if the standard has only been assessed in one section for the same reporting term, the grade information will be returned from StandardGradeSection. If the standard has been assessed for more than one section for the same reporting term, the grade information will be returned from StandardGradeRollup.

DATs with “cache” in the code (for example, *std.storedcache.avg) pull data from the server memory, rather than accessing the database each time the report is rendered. The first call to one of these DATs caches all of the standard grades for a student for a year. Subsequent calls pull the data from memory. This is advantageous when you want to run reports on multiple standards DATs, and results in increased performance of the report.

Format: ^(*std.stored.high;StandardIdentifier;Store Code;Year;Grade Level)
Example: ^(*std.stored.high;SSS.6;S1;2008;12)


Note: XX = Standard Identifier, TT = Store Code, YYYY = Year, or GG = Grade Level. The YYYY or GG parameter is optional, and if omitted, the DAT will default to the year selected in the Term context and will include all grade levels.

Comma-separated list of course numbers associated with the standard.

[Standard]Identifier of the parent standard.

Standard grade conversion scale.

Standard Grades

Stored Average Score

Stored average score for the term.

Stored High Score

Stored high score for the term/year.

Number of Scores

Number of scores for the standard identifier for this term/grade level.

1 if no StandardGradeRollup record exists.

Stored Translated Average Score

Stored translated average score for the term.

Stored Translated High

Stored translated high score for the term.


The Tests DAT extracts information from the [Test], [TestScore], [StudentTest] and [StudentTestScore] tables. Tests are setup at Start Page > District Setup > Tests. When using the Tests DAT, ensure that the test name and test score name are entered exactly as setup at the district.

Format: ^(tests;name=[name];score=[score name];which=[test selection];type=[type];result=[output result];format=[output format])

Usage and Examples

Example: ^(tests;name=[SAT]

Identifies the test associated with the score.

Example: ^(tests;score=Math

Identifies the test score to report. Setup Test Scores at Start Page > District > Tests > Edit Scores.

which=first: Score from first test taken

which=last: Score from last test taken

which=best: Best test score

which=current: Score from current term

which=[TermID], such as 1801

which=[Grade_Level], such as 11,or 12

If there is more than one score for a student with the score name specified in the “score” parameter, use the “which” parameter to identify which of the score to use.




Identifies the type of score to report. [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore, [StudentTestScore]NumScore and [StudentTestScore]PercentScore

^(tests;result=value: The value of the scores.

^(tests;result=sum: The sum of the scores.

^(tests;result=avg: The average of the scores.

^(tests;result=date: The date of the scores.

^(tests;result=count: The number of scores.

^(tests;result=min: Uses the minimum scores.

^(tests;result=max: Uses the maximum scores.

Determines what result the DAT will produce. For example, if you want to show the average of several scores, the DAT would appear as:

Determines the format for the result.

Example #1:


This example returns the total current English score of the midterm test.

Example #2:


This example returns the numerical value of the last math score of the ACT test, such as 23.14 if a student's score was 23.14285. Note that the numeric value is truncated (the value is not rounded) to two decimal places.


The GPA DAT returns a student’s GPA based on the specified parameters. GPAs are calculated on the fly and not stored in a database table.

Format: ^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value” year=”value” grade=”value” credittype=”value” scale=”value”)

Usage and Examples

^(*gpa method=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted”)

Specify the name of the GPA calculation to use.

If omitted, the weighted calculation will be used.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative”)

Specify the type of the calculation: Cumulative, Current, or Projected.

If omitted, the Cumulative type is used.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2”)

Specify one or more term abbreviations. Only grades whose store codes match the specified abbreviations are used in the GPA calculation. If omitted, any store code is permitted. If one or more term abbreviations are specified, but no grade level, only grades from the current school year are evaluated in the GPA calculation.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value” grade=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2” grade=”9,10,11,12”)

Specify one or more grade levels (separate multiple values by commas). Only grades stored at the specific grade levels are used in the GPA calculation. If omitted, the historical grade range for the current school is used.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value” grade=”value” year=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2” grade=”9,10,11,12” year=”2006”)

Specify one or more four-digit school years (separate multiple values by commas). For example, use 2007 to specify the 2007-2008 school year. Only grades stored for the specified school years are used in the GPA calculation.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value” grade=”value” year=”value” credittype=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2” grade=”9,10,11,12” year=”2006” credittype=”MAT,ENG”)

Specify one or more credit types (separate multiple values by commas). Only grades associated with the specified credit types are used in the GPA calculation. If omitted, grades with any credit type (or no credit type) are used in the calculation.

^(*gpa method=”value” type=”value” term=”value” grade=”value” year=”value” credittype=”value” scale=”value”)

Example: ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2” grade=”9,10,11,12” year=”2006” credittype=”MAT,ENG” scale=”HighSchool”)

Specify the name of the grade scale to use for the calculation. Only grades present in the specified scale are included in the GPA calculation. If the name of the grade scale is not recognized, the Default grade scale is used. If omitted, the GPA points from the grade itself are used.

If Type, Term, Grade, Year, Credittype, or Scale are specified in the GPA calculation as setup at the District, the setting at the District will take precedence over the setting as specified in the GPA DAT.

For example, if the Weighted GPA is setup at the District with ENG and MAT specified as Credit Types, the following GPA DAT example will only include grades that are associated with the ENG or MAT credit types, even though credittype is not specified in the DAT:

Class Rank

The Honor Roll DAT returns results from the [ClassRank] table. Class Rank are set up on the Class Rank Methods page.

When creating a class rank method, it is necessary to choose a GPA Calculation Method. For more information on GPAs, navigate to the GPA Calculation Methods page and select a calculation and then access the PowerSchool Help Files. You may also refer to Knowledgebase article 11148 on PowerSource.

Format: ^(*classrank method="[GPA Calculation Method name]" result="[value]" percentiledigits="[decimal places]")

^(*classrank method="[GPA Calculation Method name]"

Example: ^(*classrank method="Simple"

Example: ^(*classrank method="Weighted"

Identifies the name of the GPA Calculation Method used to determine the class rank.

If the “method” parameter is omitted, the default “weighted” GPA Calculation Method is used. The “weighted” GPA Calculation Method is installed with the PowerSchool application.

gpa”: Displays the student’s GPA.

outof”: The total number of students in the class rank list.

percentile”: The student’s rank percentile.

rank”: The student’s rank.

rankof”: Displays the rank of the total number of students, such as 5 of 65.

rankoutof”: Displays the rank out of the total number of students, such as 5 out of 65.

schoolname”: Displays the name of the school where the student earned the class rank.

Determines how the rank is displayed.

If this parameter is omitted, PowerSchool uses the “rank” option.

^(*classrank percentiledigits=[“decimal places”]

Example: ^(*classrank percentiledigits=“3”

Determines the number of decimal places to use in the rank result.

Example #1: ^(*classrank)

Returns the student’s rank value using the weighted class rank method, such as "26".

Example #2: ^(*classrank method="High Honors" result="gpa")

Returns the GPA calculated for the student by the High Honors class rank method used to determine ranking, for instance, "3.92."

Example #3: ^(*classrank result="rankoutof")

Returns the student’s rank value using the Weighted class rank method and the total number of ranked students separated by the words "out of", as in "4 out of 157.”

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll DAT returns results from the [HonorRoll] table. Honor Roll Methods are set up on the Honor Roll page.

When creating an honor roll level, it is common to choose a GPA Calculation Method. For more information on GPAs, navigate to the GPA Calculation Methods page and select a calculation and then access the PowerSchool Help Files. You may also refer to Knowledgebase article 11148 on PowerSource.

Format: ^(*honorroll method="name" term="abbreviations" grade="grade levels" year="year number" result="data type")

^(*honorroll method=”Honor Roll Method name"

Example: ^(*honorroll method=”Middle School Honors”

Identifies the name of the Honor Roll Method used to determine the honor roll.

^(*honorroll term=”term abbreviation”

Example: ^(*honorroll term=”S1”

Example: ^(*honorroll term=”Q2”

Narrows the honor roll records by the store code used when calculating the Honor Roll.

^(*honorroll grade=”grade levels”

Example: ^(*honorroll grade=”9”

Example: ^(*honorroll grade=”6,7”

Narrows the honor roll records by grade level.

^(*honorroll year=”year number”

Example: ^(*honorroll year=”2008”

Example: ^(*honorroll year=”2006,2007”

Narrows the honor roll records by the year.

The YearID is 17 for 2007, 18 for 2008, etc.

^(*honorroll result=”[data type]”

level”: Name of the honor roll level.

message”: Message associated with the honor roll level.

GPA”: GPA used to determine the honor roll.

School Name”: School associated with the honor roll record.

Date”: Date honor roll was calculated.

Determines the honor roll result.

Example #1: ^(*honorroll method=”Achievers" term="T1,Q1" grade="9,10" year="2008" result="gpa")

This example returns the GPA for the Achievers honor roll level record awarded for the T1 and Q1 term associated with the student’s 9th or 10th grade year, within the 2008-2009 school year.

Example #2: ^(*honorroll method="High Honors" term="S1")

This example returns the level value for any High Honors honor roll records awarded for the S1 term.

Example #3: ^(*honorroll method="Scholarship" term="Q3" result="message")

This example returns the text message defined within the Scholarship honor roll level awarded for the Q3 term of the current year. For example: "Congratulations! You have been awarded the Gold Team scholarship for this year!"

Example #4: ^(*honorroll method="Future Leaders" term="T2" grade="7" result="schoolname")

This example returns the name of the school where a Future Leaders honor roll record was awarded for the T2 term of the student’s 7th grade year, for example, "John Connor Middle School".

Credit Hours

The credit_hours DAT returns the number of cumulative historical earned credit hours earned by the student. The value of credit for each historical grade is stored in [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs.

There are no parameters for the ^(*credit_hours) DAT.

Format: ^(*credit_hours)


  1. Setup ^(*credit_hours) on the Cumulative Information student screen on the GPA Info for Student Screens page.
  2. View the cumulative credit hours on the Cumulative Information student screen.